Monday, January 30, 2012

Mirror Mirror / Snow White And The Huntsman Trailer

For 2012, there will be 2 Snow White movies coming to cinemas each with a different theme and approach. But, one interesting fact about both movies is the Queen (villain) star 2 actresses that known for lead in most of the movies before, Julia Robert (Mirror Mirror) and Charlize Theron (Snow White and The Huntsman). We'll see which one will be the audience's favorite to watch.

Mirror Mirror
Release: March 16, 2012

Snow White and The Huntsman 
Release: June 1, 2012

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Friday, January 13, 2012

Runway Elevated Pedestrian Lane (STAR Lrt PWTC Station <=> Putra Bus Station)

From a public point, I love anything that makes something easier and less dangerous. The lane is quite cool. That's why I put the word Runway in the name because when you walk through it, it feels a bit like doing a catwalk on the runway. At the time the images were taken, it's fully finished even though already can be used. Maybe one day I'll revisit the lane to get better looks after it's totally finished.