Saturday, August 29, 2009

Merdeka Fun Cat Show

Admission Fee : RM2 - Children below 12 years old / RM5 - Adult

Saturday, August 22, 2009


There are a few animal characters from the movies (especially animated) that will make us want to make them as our pet. They usually area cute, bubbly and have vibrant personality. As for me, many of them have left an exceptional remarks on me towards animals.

For my first pick, I choose Rhino, from the Disney's animated movie Bolt . He is a hamster that goes around everywhere in a hamster exercise ball and, a such a big fan of Bolt. Even though he has a male adult voice, yet he can make me want to have him as pet. And, he's the reason I wanted to watch Bolt.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

A Monster House?

(PMP stands for Private Moxie's Photos which means images that were taken by me, the author of this blog. There will be a few more labels from PMP in the future)

If you look at the picture above, what really catches your attention? For me, at first, there's nothing unusual about it, just a normal aerial view. But, look at the next picture ...

What do you think about the image above? Look at the roof of this building, an old stage at my place. Don't you think the roof, if you look at it from above, resembles a face? It reminds of the movie Monster House even though doesn't look so scary.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Beginning

Welcome! After a long wait, I managed to produce this blog, as a result of my interest in photography and campbell dwarf hamster. In the future, you will see more of hamsters in action and pictures of anything that is beautiful, be captured. Enjoy it!